12 Jun, 2015

The Superstar team has arranged this episode as a mother’s day special. The stars were singing only special songs to honor mother’s day.


The first beautiful song (Dele janam Fedait madare man) on this show was performed by all contestants from both teams that made the audience voiceless.  During the program the host Arash Barez asked a question from a mother in the audience, what is the best gift for a mother from her children? “Respect”, she replied.


After that all the stars performed special duet songs as a tribute to mothers. All contestants received very positive comments from both team captains. In addition to that, Qais Ulfat gifted an Isaar ticket to his team member, Shafiq Sorosh and asked him to spend it on his Super Star campaign, if he wins it.


The audience and the eight contestants were all waiting to see who will be eliminated tonight, but finally Dawood Pazhman from Qais Ulfat’s team was announced as the eliminated contestant.


Watch the video below